PROJECT A digital communication platform that covers the latest trends within sustainable business, innovation and lifestyle.


CLIENT SPP Spar - och pensionsbolag


TOOLS & SKILLS  Concept design, editorial production, art direction and social media management


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WHAT IS IT?  Sapir is a sustainable business and lifestyle magazine that places the renewable society in the nitty gritty of urban lifestyles. Stories about sustainable budenesses, positive change and people that changes the world. Sapir pics up the latest trends and news from the fields of entrepreneurship, innovations and sustainable popculture.



CASE With Sapir, SPP wants to show that;

  • A sustainable lifestyle is about a new modernism, awareness of quality and curiosity of new experiences.
  • Sustainable private savings and investments supports the evolovement of sustainable businesses and the change towards a renewable economy with strong competitiveness and growth.


Sapir magazine

VISUAL IDENTITY  With a conteporary graphic design that builds around strong lifestyle images, we aim to inject a new visual identity to the sustainable lifestyle segment of consumer products. Sapir wants to show a different way of experiencing sustaiable consumer products and experiences.


Sapir Magasin

IN USE Since the release of the first issue in February 2015, Sapir has had a 100 % organic growth with 145 250 uniqe readers and alltogether they made 314 917 pageviews. Sapir is a unisex magazine with the demographics of 40% men and 60% women between 25-45 years old.



For more information contact

Creative director Erik Lindvall
